• August 8, 2024
  • wp@ratanet.com
  • 0

Dear WGIN members,

I am happy to announce that the EU Chapter of WGIN has published its new policy briefing “Making Europe’s built environment greener, healthier and more resilient”!

In this paper, we reflect on the policy achievements for Green and Blue Infrastructure over the past mandate, namely their inclusion in various pieces of legislation from the European Green Deal and their increasing presence in the EU discourse over the last political mandate.

However, despite significant improvement, there remains a large untapped potential for urban green and blue infrastructure in the EU. This is why our briefing also suggests ways to further accelerate their deployment over the next five years, coherently with the objectives of the new European Commission’s political guidelines, particularly when it comes to preparing and adapting Europe’s cities to the increasing impacts of climate changes.

Paper is attached, and here is also a link to the on-line version on wgin.orgPolicy-GI-paper_-Final-version.pdf (worldgreeninfrastructurenetwork.org)

With this I would also like to thank everyone who actively worked on and financially supported our EU advocacy for the past 5 years since the EU chapter idea has been presented!!!

I hope you find this paper valuable also for the non-EU countries & regions.

Looking forward seeing many of you in WGIC2024. 



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